@BSLADE - Photography by J'Fuzion for JFUZION.COM. USED BY PERMISSION.
Press Play Below
I'll be honest. I had originally not planned to share this interview with B.SLADE™, which was for a radio show in Cleveland (WCCD) on January 13th . However, in the interest of journalistic integrity and due to the all the coverage surrounding his Stellar Awards attendance this year, and its afterparty for Bonnerfide Radio (shouts to Gerard Bonner), I felt it specifically imperative to not only share what was said (or rather, dictated) during the interview, but especially all of the commentary immediately BEFORE the interview started and IMMEDIATELY after. NOT the doctrinal discussion, which is not really the issue, as there will ALWAYS be doctrinal differences, no matter whether it's implicit or explicit. The issue was the commentary. The conversational ridiculing of people, INCLUDING the interviewee. The commentary bordering on slander about people not even there. Also, please pay very close attention to the fact that this interviewer, nor the pastor who was probably called in to specifically give a nonsensical Bible-beatdown, NEVER saw the infamous "Lexi Interview", or at least they said they hadn't. Which begs the question: what happened to journalistic research or at least basic knowledge of your subject beyond your conservative Bible-based opinion? B. SLADE™ was not even given much time to answer questions fully, as he was cut off every time he gave an answer the pastor didn't agree with or didn't understand. The point is, this was the complete exemplifying of complete disregard to fact-checking and complete disregard of respect in general. Why interrupt someone constantly, and then tell them they've had "plenty of time to speak"? Why "apologize" for being so curt because "that's the way you are", when you're clearly just being a d-bag and justifying it with Bible scripture? As a follower of Jesus Christ myself, I've become more and more jaded with those who "know" Him yet refuse to follow The Great Commandment ("Love The Lord... and Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself") all in the name of Jesus Himself. I find it particularly insulting as a Christian myself who does my best to show respect and love to EVERYONE, even if I don't agree with them.... as a matter of fact, ESPECIALLY if I don't agree with them. I only share this to show exactly WHY people like me from all walks of life are unplugging themselves from this grid of self-righteousness and self-justification of ignorance. GOD IS LOVE. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT THIS INTERVIEW IS 2 HOURS LONG... GRAB A SANDWICH.