thankful for God using kirk to share jesus/God's love and truth about homosexuality / gay marriage with america on piers morgan's show and pointing out how we all have some authority we base our moral standards on and kirk's and mine and other christian's is based on the bible which tells the truth about us as sinners (piers didn't like hearing about sin ... his own, kirk's or either of their son's who they imagined hypothetically might approach them one day and say "dad , i am gay" and their differing responses .... listen to the video to hear the responses) ... interesting interaction between a man of God saved by Jesus and a worldly man not seemingly advocating any belief or relationship with God that is worth your watch ... and posting comments if you care to
LisaB said…
Considering Kirk went on there to talk about his new movie, not to beat anyone over the head with his viewpoints, I think he handled Piers' hijacking of the conversation as gently and respectfully as he possibly could while still maintaining his integrity to his sincerely held beliefs. It's ridiculous to vilify him for not having the "correct" viewpoint.
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