@BSLADE To Work With American Idol's @YO_RANDYJACKSON And More Legendary Artists?

SO much is happening right now.
Just be assured that NOTHING will ever be the same.
Keep It Locked.
B.SLADE and Randy Jackson, courtesy of Civic Taylor & Suxxess Records.


Lady of Peace! said…
This just goes to show you ya can't keep a hard working man down. Good quality work never goes unnoticed, especially when you've been given a gift and have a love to do it. Not once did B slow down or stop dreaming about something he enjoys so much. There's no words to describe the amazing talent and blessings he has been given to share with the world. I am praying that God has blessed him to be one of the "America Idol" judges. I feel this will be one of the best moves Randy could've ever made. BSlade is my #1 artist and my brother in Christ! Now go my brother and slay them all with your fans blessings.LOL I am just too excited and can hardly wait for the big day!

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